Local Time Time Zone
Sunday, March 23, 2025

7:01:23 AM

UTC/GMT +0 hours
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Lisbon, Portugal
is X hours ahead of you
About Portugal Hide

CountryCode.org is your complete guide to make a call from anywhere in the world, to anywhere in the world. This page details Portugal phone code.

The Portugal country code 351 will allow you to call Portugal from another country. Portugal telephone code 351 is dialed after the IDD. Portugal international dialing 351 is followed by an area code.

The Portugal area code table below shows the various city codes for Portugal. Portugal country codes are followed by these area codes. With the complete Portugal dialing code, you can make your international call.

Portugal National Codes Hide
National Dial Codes
Portugal Toll Free +351-180
virtualNumberType_description_PTTF-CORP +351-800
Portugal Toll Free - Mobile Enabled +351-100
virtualNumberType_description_PTTF-MOBILE-IBASIS +351-100
Portugal City Codes Hide
City Dial Codes
Abrantes +351-241
Angra do Heroísmo +351-295
Arganil +351-235
Aveiro +351-234
Beja +351-284
Braga +351-253
Bragança +351-273
Caldas da Raínha +351-262
Castelo Branco +351-272
Castro Verde +351-286
Chaves +351-276
Coimbra +351-239
Covilhã +351-275
Estremoz +351-268
Évora +351-266
Faro +351-289
Figueira da Foz +351-233
Funchal +351-291
Guarda +351-271
Horta +351-292
Idanha-a-Nova +351-277
Leiria +351-244
Lisboa +351-21
Mealhada +351-231
Mirandela +351-278
Moncorvo +351-279
Moura +351-285
Odemira +351-283
Penafiel +351-255
Peso da Régua +351-254
Pombal +351-236
Ponta Delgada +351-296
Ponte de Sôr +351-242
Portalegre +351-245
Portimão +351-282
Porto +351-22
Proença-a-Nova +351-274
S. João da Madeira +351-256
Santarém +351-243
Santiago do Cacém +351-269
Seia +351-238
Setúbal +351-265
Tavira +351-281
Torres Novas +351-249
Torres Vedras +351-261
V. Franca de Xira +351-263
V. N. de Famalicão +351-252
Valença +351-251
Viana do Castelo +351-258
Vila Real +351-259
Viseu +351-232